Thursday, November 4, 2010


Fast food obesity is prevalent in the U.S. and it is extremely strenuous for the entire body, which was never intended to carry that much extra weight. Your heart will also end up working harder than it should, which eventually leads to obesity heart disease. There are also various other obesity diseases, the result of which can be fatal.

Obesity Disease #1: Heart Disease. This is one of the deadliest and most common fast food obesity diseases. People with obesity usually have lower levels of good HDL cholesterol and higher levels of bad LDL cholesterol. This increases the risks of obesity heart disease tremendously.

Obesity disease #2: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This is the main cause of female infertility, and obese women have a much higher chance of developing this disorder. This obesity disease also results in excessive hair growth and irregular menstrual cycles.

Obesity Disease #3: Diabetes (Type 2). This is one of the fastest growing obesity diseases. What happens here is that your pancreas is unable to supply sufficient amounts of insulin to convert sugars into energy. This means that the unconverted sugar floats around the blood, which is very harmful.

Obesity Disease #4: Dyslipidemia. This is a major fast food obesity related disease, which results because of abnormally high trygliceride and LDL cholesterol levels. Dyslipidemia eventually leads to obesity heart disease.

Obesity Disease #5: Sleep Apnea. This disorder means that you might actually stop breathing while sleeping, which causes you to wake up suddenly several times during the night. You may not even be aware of this disruption of sleep, but it prevents you from receiving proper sleep and results in daytime fatigue.

Obesity Disease #6: Blount’s Disease. This disorder occurs when an excessive amount of weight gets placed on growing bones, making it more prevalent in children. This is especially the case with the lower part of the body.

Obesity Disease #7: Arthritis. This is a condition that is a result of strain on the joints for extended periods. Excessive body weight certainly causes such strain and makes arthritis develop in younger people.

Obesity Disease #8: Respiratory Problems. Obesity makes your lungs work harder, so that they get the necessary oxygen where it is needed in a timely manner. Asthma is also more common in those who are obese.

Obesity Disease #9: Stroke. When the arteries, which carry blood to the brain, get blocked, the end result is a stroke. Such blockages happen in obese people much more often, because they usually have high cholesterol and blood pressure, which contributes to blockages.

Obesity Disease #10: Liver Damage. It is difficult for the body to deal with fast food obesity, because these foods usually do not get distributed appropriately. When this is the case, fat can build up around the liver, which may result in its inflammation, scarring, and even permanent damage.

Some other fast food obesity diseases include angina, glucose intolerance, gout, and congestive heart failure. Obese people also face the risks of certain types of cancer. In addition, there are several diseases that can occur because of the strain caused by extra body weight, such as osteoarthritis and hernias.

"Top 10 Dangerous Diseases Caused by Fast Food Obesity – Updated Article With Extra Information on Obesity Diseases." Nutrition Supplements News. Web. 04 Nov. 2010. .

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